20171227 - Prof. Claude Berrebi on Israel's Socio-Economic State of the Nation 2017 - TV i24News TV i24NewsAttach Files: 20171227-berrebi-i24news-english.mp4
20171227 - Prof. Claude Berrebi présente le rapport annuel 2017 - TV i24News (Francais) TV i24News (Francais)
20171227 - State of the Nation report 2017- Philanthropy Study - דו"ח מרכז טאוב - MSN money (Hebrew) MSN money (Hebrew)Attach Files: 20171227-msn-money-state_of_the_nation_report_2017-philanthropy_17_12_27.pdf
20171227 - Taub report (Philanthropy study cited without authors names) - Jerusalem Post Jerusalem PostAttach Files: 20171227-jerusalem_post_lidar_grave-lazi_snr_-philanthropy_2017_17_12_27.pdf
20171227 - דו"ח מרכז טאוב SNR 2017 report - Calcalist (Hebrew) - כלכליסט Calcalist (Hebrew)Attach Files: 20171227-calcalist_shachar_ilan_and_sephi_kropski-state_of_the_nation_report_2017-philanthropy_17_12_27.pdf
20171229 - Social think-tank sees slower economic growth in 2018 (Philanthropy study cited without authors names) - Jerusalem Post Jerusalem PostAttach Files: 20171229-jerusalem_post_lidar_grave-lazi_snr_-philanthropy_2017_17_12_29.pdf
20180218 - Who are Israeli donors? - Taub Media Taub MediaAttach Files: 20180218-who_are-israel-donors_taub_center.pdf
20180218 - Who are the Israeli Philanthropists? - ?מי הם התורמים הישראלים - Taub Media (Hebrew) Taub MediaAttach Files: 20180218-who_are-israel-donors-heb_taub_center.pdf
20180319 - Yogev’s diatribe - Jerusalem Post Jerusalem Post Op-EdAttach Files: 20180319-jerusalempost-yogevs-diatribe-545507.pdf
20180319 - Yogev’s diatribe - Jerusalem Post Jerusalem Post Op-EdAttach Files: 20180319-jerusalempost-yogevs-diatribe-545507.pdf
20180731 - If you want Israelis to favor peace negotiations, let them trade stocks - The Washington Post Attach Files: 20180731-washingtonpost-if_you_want_israelis_to_favor_peace.pdf
20190222 - Corbyn: Palestinians say suicide bombings occur because of occupation - Jewish Journal Attach Files: 20190222-jewish-journal-corbyn_palestinians_say_suicide_bombin.pdf
20190222 - Jeremy Corbyn, Circa 2009, Seemingly Sympathizing With Suicide Bombers - Daily Wire Attach Files: 20190222-daily-wire-jeremy_corbyn-circa_2009.pdf
20190224 - Corbyn expressed understanding for suicide bombers in 2009 - Jerusalem Post Attach Files: 20190224-jerusalempost-corbyn_expressed_understanding_for_sb.pdf
20190427 - Bom Sri Lanka: Teroris Tajir & Mengapa Terorisme Kian Sulit Dibasmi - TIRTO Attach Files: 20190427-bom_sri_lanka_teroris_tajir_mengapa_terorisme_kian_sulit_dibasmi_-_tirto.pdf